Tag Archives: Galatians 1:3-5

Today. Live Like It!

22 Jan

Refine me O Lord, remove every idol and allow me to be shattered into pieces if that is what it takes to know You more.  Be the desire of my heart and let no trial, no temptation and no deception distract or disturb my heart.  You are good.  You are the Lover of my soul and I claim You as the love of my life.  Fill me with yourself this day.  Be obvious in Your blessing.  Let me walk in your power and rely on your love.   I need You Lord.  O, I need You.

Sister in the Faith,

If you are in a place, hard pressed on every side, and crying out to your God, let me assure you based on the authority of His Word . . . He hears.  If you are in a spot, filled with pain, unable to identify let alone utter the words to give voice to your hurt, trust the Holy Spirit to lift up the groans words cannot express, lean in close and . . . hear the shout of love from Calvary.  Believe in the One that spoke the heavens into being to speak your language and spur you on toward wholeness and healing in this day.  Woman of Faith, your God is all about your full rescue, your complete redemption and your absolute restoration.

Neither this temporal world nor the prince of the air have the power to steal your joy, to kill your love or destroy your holy dreams.  Exercise the authority given to you by Jesus Christ and you stomp on every snake that hisses lies of shame.  You put on the shoes of peace, which is the gift of wholeness from God, and trample every scorpion that stings you with doubt.  You Sweet One, are a child of the King.  You have not been given a spirit of fear or timidity.  Your heart resounds with the Roar of the Lion of Judah who speaks love and courage to your soul.

Listen to Him! Be intentional in grabbing hold of the truth of you IN HIM. Trust Him to be who He says He is and know to the marrow of your bones you are who He says you are.  Dig into the Word, know your holy destiny. Let your spiritual reality match your practical existence.  Put on the full Armor of God and Beloved Warrior, you walk into this day claiming every inch of your inheritance in the Name above all names.  Not tomorrow.  Not when you are feeling stronger.  Not when things settle down.  Today.

You are more than a conqueror.  The victory is yours!  Live like it.


1515 eirḗnē (from eirō, “to join, tie together into a whole“) – properly, wholeness, i.e. when all essential parts are joined together; peace (God’s gift of wholeness).